We are located at 100 NORTH BROAD STREET, FAIRBORN, OH 45324
We are charismatic and believe the work and person of the Holy Spirit is for today. We are contemporary in that we provide a relaxed environment that seeks to eliminate elements that may be a hindrance to church participation. We are cross-cultural and seek to reflect the diverse cultural makeup of the city we are pursuing for Jesus, while becoming a church for all people. We are community-oriented by engaging with local community groups and leaders to serve our community. We are Christ-Centered and driven by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His commission to make disciples of all nations.
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We offer safe and secure, clean, kid-friendly environments where children and parents can feel comfortable and at ease during the 12:00am Worship Experience. You must check-in your child at our check-in desk located at the welcome station. Your child will be assigned a unique identification number. If your child needs you during the service, be on the lookout for a text message. When the service ends, you’ll use the tag you received at check-in to pick your child up. Our Children’s Programs run simultaneously with our 12:00am adult service. We have designated areas for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary aged children. KP Kids is a fun time for our kids as they learn on their level through illustrations, skits, and creative presentation of the Bible in an age-appropriate environment throughout the entire adult service.
Come as you are! When you visit us, you’ll notice something is different about Kingdom Purpose Church. People come as they are, whether they’re comfortable in jeans or slacks as well as those who will dust off there fashion hats and stylish shoes. We are striving to create a casual environment so everyone feels comfortable no matter what they wear when they visit our church. Pastor Marcus enjoys wearing a suit and tie as much as he does wearing his sneakers and hoodie! He is most comfortable in a pair of khakis and a dress shirt. Most people come in jeans.
If you are a first time guest at Kingdom Purpose Church we do not expect you to give us anything. We want to give to you! Every first-time guest receives a gift bag as a token of our appreciation for coming to our church. We just encourage you to give us the Connection Card filled out with your information so that we can get to know you better.
We are working hard to do everything we can to make your time with us meaningful. From the moment you walk in the door, until the moment you leave, we are committed to making your time with us a creative, compelling, and challenging presentation of God’s Truth. Our 75-minute service kicks off with live music and singing for about 15 minutes. Our Pastor presents the Bible in a way that is relevant to today’s culture using Bible scripture, personal experience, humor and multimedia. He focuses on Christ’s teaching; how it can be a part of our everyday life, including how each of us can have our own personal relationship with Christ and grow in our faith.
Our Sunday Worship Experiences starts promptly at 12:00PM on Second and fourth Sundays of the month.
On Sundays drive onto our campus using the Elder Lane entrance. Once you park, you can enter the building through our Main Entrance which is located on the lower level side of our building on Elder Drive side. You will see a covered Breeze and three glass doors. Once you enter, you’ll find helpful people who serve to greet those joining us. They will gladly answer any questions you have.
As a new church plant we have been blessed to meet at the Fairborn United Methodist Church facility. The name that shows up if your search for the address is Fairborn UMC 100 North Broad Street; is you are at the right location.